Finally have some free time to read China Life Insurance 2008 annual report. Basically the profit drop is caused by the decrease on investment income. Insurance business is still attractive and growing.
The insurance income increased 20.8% while the insurance and operational cost decreased 1.5%. On the other hand, the investment income dropped 61.4%. The total net profit of 2008 dropped 45.2% to 21B RMB.
Look into the financial asset distribution. The ratio of fixed income asset increased from 75.4% to 89.4%. This category includes bond, time deposit, and cash. The stock asset dropped from 23% to 8%. This change reflects the group investment direction. The asset pool created a 3.23% return on 2008, which is 6.03% lower than the fantastic year - 2007.
I still believe China Life Insurance is a good investment. Its insurance business remains strong growth and keeps a stable cost on running the business. The management team manages its asset well and makes good and fast decisions on global and local investment.
BTW, this stock has the highest chance to be the fastest “back to town” stock in my portfolio.